Visited 7 wonders in 7 days! This man created a unique world record, how did he do this amazing feat?

Visited 7 wonders in 7 days! This man created a unique world record, how did he do this amazing feat?

When people have a desire to make a world record, they are ready to go to any extent. They work so hard that they make a record. The same was done by a man from Egypt, who had decided that he would visit the 7 wonders of the world in the shortest time possible. He kept his belief and visited the 7 wonders of the world in about 7 days (Man visit 7 wonders in 7 days). In this way, this person has also got his name registered in the Guinness World Record.

According to Guinness World Records, 45-year-old Magdy Eissa is a resident of Egypt and he has made a world record by visiting 7 wonders of the world in 6 days, 11 hours and 52 minutes. Earlier this record (fastest time to visit the New 7 Wonders of the World) was registered in the name of Jamie McDonald of Britain. Who made this record by taking about 4 and a half hours more time.

This man’s journey was full of challenges. (Photo: Guinness World Record)

7 wonders to visit in less than 7 days
First, Magdi reached the Great Wall of China, after that he went to see the Taj Mahal in India. Then he reached Machu Picchu in Peru via Petra in Jordan, Colosseum in Rome and Christ the Redeemer in Brazil. Finally, he went to the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza in Mexico. To make this record, pre-determined public transport had to be used because it is difficult to keep track of every public transport. He needed about one and a half years of planning to make this record.

The journey was full of challenges
He had to plan everything in advance – flights, trains, buses, subways, walking to transportation hubs. If there was any interruption in the journey, his entire trip would be ruined and he would have to return home. He also had to calculate his time in each journey, choose the best public transport option, take care of layovers, immigration, etc. He did not face any major problems in this journey, although there were minor difficulties. For example, he fell asleep on the bus to Petra and could not catch it. After this he had to find another public transport. He almost missed his flight on his way to the seventh wonder, but when he told the flight crew that he was trying to break a world record, he was helped and allowed to board the flight.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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